Friday, August 30, 2013


Well, I've practiced the spoons a couple of times since I posted last, so I decided to take a little video this morning. I don't know how youtube managed to select the ugliest face out of the whole video for the still shot, but wow! I really outdid myself. :) I will just say that the time investment to learn the spoons has been minimal, which has made it so fun. Setup and take-down are a snap, so I can usually talk myself into practicing even if I only have a few minutes. And there is so much you can do, rhythm- and choreography-wise. I'm still pretty boring, but check out Abby the Spoon Lady and you'll see.

Oh my gosh, and I just went to her facebook page and discovered she is doing free workshops at a jugband festival in Louisville next month!! This is my lucky day. Wowzas!

Sigh. I am seeing a client in half an hour. I should probably not be wearing pajamas and writing about spoons. Work is going SO well. Almost too well (is that possible?).

Tell me, what is your favorite random talent? Do you have hobbies that keep you in your pajamas longer you should be in the morning?

Monday, August 12, 2013

Where Have I Been?!

I know this question has been lingering in your mind--don't pretend it hasn't been. (Just kidding--I actually think it's funny to apologize for going "missing" from my blog. I'm pretty sure you're busy enough with real life to not have noticed. Let's hope, anyway.)

I can't wait to steal from photos and videos from Chad's new Samsung Galaxy (!!!), because he has largely become the family photographer of late. There have been weddings, family visits, long drives, and visits to Asheville, NC (or approximately one of each of those things, actually). I will leave you with a sneak peek of one of the highlighs of our trip. Her name is Abby the Spoon Lady, and we saw her play live on a street corner in Asheville. Isn't she amazing?! I am dead set on learning to play the spoons. Yesterday was my first "lesson" (read: watching youtube tutorials and practicing at home).