Monday, February 4, 2013

I just want to brag about my man--is that okay?

So, yesterday was my first Sunday acting as quasi-ward choir director (recently got called as ward music chair, and decided to pull together a pick-up choir to do a special musical number in March). Not only did Chad participate in the choir like a good husband, but he came home and spent several hours using his tech savvy to transcribe the musical number I had in my head (the number splices two different hymns, Where Can I Turn for Peace & My Redeemer Lives). Now everyone can have a copy, and I can look like I know what I'm doing! He makes my life so much easier. I love that man.


  1. Found you through Ms. Carolyn at Perspective and your Leibster Award nomination. Congrats! Sounds like you've got a good man there. :)


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