Thursday, February 21, 2013

Writing About Therapy

Wahoo--today and tomorrow I will be attending the KAMFT (Kentucky Association of Marriage and Family Therapists) Conference. I love conferences! I'm really grateful to have a job that is flexible enough to allow me to squeeze in extra hours here, and take off extra hours there. Monday through Wednesday were pure mania, but now I get to go to a conference AND see a couple of private clients Friday evening.

I have been considering starting a weekly (or however often I manage to get it together) therapy-type post. Perhaps some of my experience working with a certain type of problem, or maybe some research on topics that interest me (and/or make me feel like I'm banging my head against a wall). I am reading Sue Johnson's book, "Hold Me Tight," right now, which is all about Emotion-Focused Therapy for couples. Some of that will probably make it on here, since I adore the book so far. But I would also love to field questions about any kind of relational or personal issues that might make find their way into a therapy room. If you've got an idea, let me know in the comments or here.

For a while now, I've felt like my blog is lacking some. . .substance. Oddly enough, I have felt compelled to work a TON on my blog lately, but writing about home projects and food and whatnot has felt pretty surface-y. At the same time, I have qualms about sharing the MOST important stuff--I mean, I guess I believe some of life's most sacred moments are best enjoyed privately. Does that make sense? Anyway, writing about some of what I do (while excluding confidential details about actual people, of course), seems like one way to put a little more 'me' into what I'm writing.

So I guess you can consider this your heads-up. Send me your ideas! I would love love love that. Oh, and don't forget the health challenge--starts this Monday. Let me know if you're in.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I think your blog is perfect the way it is. Personal without being too personal. :-)

    1. Thanks, Leesey! Plus, if I ever need to unload some more PERSONAL on someone, you are a prime candidate. So you probably don't need to worry.

  2. Hi Ms. Smith. I am so grateful for this new service you are providing on your blog! I would like to be one of the first to ask your professional opinion: I love my wife so much. She means the world to me. And although I try, I really want to be able to show her better how much she means to me. Can you please give me some advice?!
    Thank you!


Don't be shy! I want to hear from you!