Friday, August 15, 2014

Hello again, I've missed you.

I've toyed with the idea of "coming back" to the blog. I have mixed feelings: while I don't want to lose out on precious time with my baby, there is some downtime now and then. And blogging has always been a great way to simultaneously record and share what is going on in my life. So we'll see how it goes. Hopefully I can find a good balance.

If you read my blog, you probably know we welcomed Tegan Danny Smith into the world on July 14th. I can't believe it's been a month! We were surprised by his early arrival (he came 4 weeks early), and then spent 2 agonizing weeks in the NICU (ugh).  He is now healthy and happy and we are overjoyed to have him at home.

Being a stay-at-home mom is turning out to be a lot like I hoped it would be. Lots of snuggle time with Teague; time to dress, change, re-dress, and re-change him over and over and over; more laundry than this house has ever seen in the time we've lived here; the promise of a shared afternoon nap time; the busy-ness of getting ready to go anywhere (even just around the block). I am really trying to cherish this time, which I know is fleeting and precious. His helplessness and little lamb's cry fill me with purpose as I complete the seemingly mundane tasks to keep him happy and comfortable. I am so grateful I get to do this. I've waited a long time to do this.

It's funny, really, how other things in my life have suddenly taken a back seat. My work, for example. I continue to see a handful of clients each week, and I love that I get to still do that. But an hour or two away from Teague each day feels like plenty.

I'm just really happy to be a mom. I love my little family.


  1. Glad to hear that life with Tegan is going so well. I'll put a plug in for keeping up with your blog. My goal is to try and post about once a week. I just made nice books for each year that we have had the blog and I love them! Such a great way to remember all the fun things we have done. You definitely want to enjoy the time you have with Tegan but you also want to remember it and I think that blog is a great way to do that. Good luck balancing everything!

  2. Hi there, found your blog while searching for blogs about being married to a Dental Student. My husband just started his 3rd year at CU in Denver, CO and one of our favorite faculty there graduated from Louisville! If you get a chance, I would love for you to check out my blog.
    It's always fun to get feedback from other Dental School spouses and hear about their experiences. And Congratulations on your new baby boy!


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