Monday, April 15, 2013

Final Week of "Gettin' Healthy"

One more week of our dear Gettin' Healthy health challenge. It is with mixed feelings that I write today (not to be melodramatic or anything. . .)

Happiness: because after this week is over, I will probably return to making chocolate chip cookies on rainy days.

Pride: because I was dedicated for 8 whole weeks! I feel so good about nourishing my body with lots and lots of vegetables, plenty of water, and regular exercise, and not gulping down as much sugar/junk food as I normally do. Also proud of Chad, who is totally in first place.

Regret: because I wish I would have done a better job/had more time to keep all of our participants in the loop. Also, if I could do it again, it would have been fun to get some guest posts on here and/or fun tips or recipes for being healthy. Maybe next time...

Anxiety: because now I feel like I need something new to keep me in line. There really isn't anything quite like good, old fashioned competition (with money involved!).

I'm accepting ideas for ANYTHING you think would make a good challenge for the next go-round. Chad and I tossed a few ideas around yesterday, including a challenge for daily devotional/scripture study (no matter what faith you are), or maybe a virtual Book Club (we all read the same book, or we all read different books but report/link-up on the same day). Got a good idea? Let me know!

And now, I leave you with a picture. This is Chad at 8:00 AM, ready to eat his birthday cake on the morning of a "free day" the other week. Cute. Clearly, this has not been a diet, but a lifestyle change. :)

1 comment:

  1. You're awesome! That's quite a challenge.

    Have you heard of dietbet? I've seen people do those..


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