Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor Day + Hair + Starstruck.

Labor Day was lots of fun. Chad and I went to play sand volleyball with a bunch of friends from church yesterday. We went at 9 in the morning, and by the time we finished up around 11:30 it was HOT HOT HOT! After volleyball, I joined my favorite little girls and their parents (thanks, Lau family!) for a romp around the splash pad at Waterfront Park. It was so fun.

Chad's been battling a little bit of a cold/cough/sinus infection (good grief!) for a good week and a half, so he called it quits after the volleyball game. Poor guy. I so want him to feel better, partly because when he's sick and in bed I have the horrible habit of pestering him to entertain me. Turns out I still need to hone my skills as a caregiver. . .

In other news, I cut my hair about a week ago. I always have a hard time getting my haircut for some reason--actually, I know exactly why! Because it's expensive, and time-consuming, and I'm usually too chicken to do anything drastic. But I finally went for the A-line bob I've considered for ages, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out! Yesterday, when we played volleyball, I didn't even bother putting it up, and (miraculously!) it didn't even bother me one bit. When my hair is long and I put it up, I can never keep it securely in place because it is so heavy and ponytails usually just fall out if I move around too much. So having it shorter (which I always assumed would be a lot more work), has actually been super convenient and nice. Plus I feel cuter.

Okay, and finally--did you look at the comments section from my last post? No? That's okay. Check it out-- I am totally starstruck. Can't wait til September 21.

Hope your three-day weekend was glorious and that you are stoked for the week ahead! What did you do this weekend? 

Sami's Shenanigans


  1. I love your haircut- it's so cute!

    It's been way hot here too. And my baby and husband have been sick. No fun. Especially in this heat! So I feel for Chad.

    The Spoon Lady commented on your blog?!?!? That's awesome!

  2. You are so cute! You always have been but I agree, your new cut is wonderful!

  3. Hair = gorgeous. Spoon Lady Contact = dream come true.


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